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Congratulations! SRRSH Advanced Cognition Center was selected as the training base for the national specialty capacity-building projects for cognitive disorders


Edited by Andie (Xi Yue)

Lately, the National Health Commission Capacity Building and Continuing Education Center released the Selected List of Training Bases for Specialty Capacity Building Projects of Cognitive Disorders (Supplementary). The Advanced Cognition Center at Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital (SRRSH), affiliated with Zhejiang University School of Medicine, was selected through rigorous examinations.


Supported by hospital leadership, the Neurology Department at SRRSH led the establishment of the Advanced Cognition Center, with the Neurosurgery, Rehabilitation, Radiology Departments, and Neuropsychological Assessment Room participating. The center was approved as the National Advanced Center for Cognitive Disorders.


The memory clinic of SRRSH Advanced Cognition Center receives over 10,000 visits annually. It boasts a well-equipped neuropsychological assessment room, a cognitive rehabilitation room, an x-ray room, a nuclear medicine department with Aβ-PET scan, patient management systems, and biological sample banks.


New honor, new mission. This successful selection represents a recognition of SRRSH Advanced Cognition Center. It will continue to improve the diagnosis and therapy of cognitive disorders, direct the development of the training base according to the requirements of the National Health Commission of CPC and the Center for Continuing Education, and increase its efforts to train talents (neuropsychological evaluators, cognitive rehabilitation therapists, and cognitive disorder specialists) through regular programs. Furthermore, it will give full play to its functional advantages as a diagnosis and therapy center and a training center and increase its clout to deliver better care for patients with cognitive disorders.