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100-odd high school students from Hong Kong visited SRRSH


Edited by Andie (Xi Yue)

On July 26th, organized by the United Front Department of the Hangzhou Municipal Committee of the CPC and Hong Kong Hangzhou Association, a delegation of Hong Kong high school students embarked on a learning trip at Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital (SRRSH), affiliated with Zhejiang University School of Medicine. During the visit, they attended an inspirational lecture on medical science, experienced specific medical skills, and saw the remarkable achievements of SRRSH towards building itself into a Chinese-style modern benchmark hospital.



Dr. Huang He, Vice President of SRRSH, gave a lesson themed on “passing down the spirit of doctors and enlightening the future”for the students, which inspired their intense interest in medicine. Then the delegation visited SRRSH Heritage Hall, where they learned Sir Run Run Shaw’s philanthropic acts for his hometown with greater devotion to the family and country.



After visiting the Heritage Hall, the students were guided to “the Translational Bridge”, a corridor showcasing the translational results of medical science and technology, the smart medicine exhibition at the Outpatient Hall, and the smart pharmacy. They exclaimed that the cutting-edge technology of SRRSH was so amazing. “It is the first time we have seen drug dispensing robots and AI consultation”, they marveled.




The highlight of this learning trip was categorized specific training. The students were divided into 4 groups. The first group received CPR and immersive simulated laparoscopic skill training at the Medical Simulation Center and Minimally Invasive Surgery Training Center. The second group conducted scientific experiments in the central laboratory. The third group experienced imaging training and the fourth group explored the myth of Chinese herbs at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department. Different kinds of medical courses enabled the students to see medical development and progress in person.


After the training, SRRSH issued certificates to each student. The hospital will continue to offer a broader exchange platform for the young people and spark their enthusiasm for learning and choosing a career in healthcare in an effort to promote the building of a Healthy China.