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Experts from Shizuoka General Hospital Extend Collaboration with SRRSH OR Team


By Si Xiaocai

From February 26 to March 2, 2018, two experts from Shizuoka General Hospital, Hideyuki Kanemoto, General Surgeon and Hitomi Koyanagi, registered nurse of Operation Room, visited Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital and had productive exchanges with staff of General Surgery and Nursing Department respectively.

During the five-day visit, Kanemoto and Hitomi stayed at SRRSH Operation Room, watched the robotic surgeries and nursing care provided by SRRSH team. Two Japanese experts also made a presentation respectively for related medical staff, which helped SRRSH staff know more about advanced OR settings and surgery procedures in Japan.

Kanemoto and Hitomi both consider this visit to be worthwhile since SRRSH have shown them many differences between Chinese and Japanese operations and they expect two sides to cooperate and learn more from each other. 

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