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Medical Professionals
Du Xiaoxing


Infectious Diseases

Biographical Sketch

Du Xiaoxing, M.D., Deputy Director and Chief Physician of Infectious Dieases Department, Postgraduate Tutor. He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases, especially bacterial infectious diseases and the diagnosis and treatment of multi-drug resistant bacteria.

Treatment Services

Fever of unknown origin

Bacterial infectious diseases

Diagnosis and treatment of multi-drug resistant bacteria

Viral hepatitis

Abnormal liver function

Liver cirrhosis

Specialty Interests

Bacterial infectious diseases, diagnosis and treatment of multi-drug resistant bacteria, fever of unknown origin, viral hepatitis, abnormal liver function, liver cirrhosis.


Member and secretary of Infectious Diseases Society of China

Vice chairman of the Microbiology and Immunology Branch of Zhejiang Medical Association

Member of the Infectious Diseases Branch of Zhejiang Society of Mathematical and Medicine