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Medical Professionals
Tang Jinsong



Biographical Sketch

Tang Jinsong, M.D. & Ph.D., M.D. Supervisor, Zhejiang University “Hundred Talents Program” Professor, Associate Chief Physician of the Psychiatry Department. Dr. Tang specializes in individualized diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, sleep disorders, and clinical psychological problems, especially early intervention and individualized treatment of psychotic disorders. His main research expertise is the underlying mechanisms of psychotic disorders and the potential most effective approach to the treatment of psychiatric conditions. He has four grants from the Natural Science Foundation of China and one grant from the National Key Research and Development Program. He has published more than 60 articles as the first/corresponding author, and more than 50 articles have been included in SCI.

Treatment Services


Bipolar disorder


Sleep disorders

Clinical psychological problems

Specialty Interests

The underlying mechanisms of psychotic disorders. Use the genetic method, neuroimaging methods (DTI, 3D, fmri and MRS) and pharmacological methods to explore the neural basis of psychiatric symptoms, especially those of schizophrenia, chronic methamphetamine and ketamine use induced psychosis. Find the most effective approach to the treatment of psychiatric conditions, with a specific focus on comprehensive and individualized interventions.


Professor and Associate Chief Physician of Psychiatry of Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine

Member of the editorial board, Scientific Reports, Frontiers in Psychiatry, Frontiers in Genetics

Executive Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Sciences 

Committee member, Chinese Society of Learning and Memory

Vice-Chairman, Precision Medicine Collaboration Group, Chinese Society of Psychiatry