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Medical Professionals
Zhang Yingchun



Biographical Sketch

Zhang Yingchun, Associate Professor, Associate Chief Physician of the Psychiatry Department in Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital. 

Dr. Zhang specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders such as depression and bipolar, anxiety, sleeping disorder and geriatric mental disorder, especially Alzheimer’s disease and Mild Cognition Impairment.

Treatment Services

Affective disorder, such as depression and bipolar disorder

General anxiety disorder and panic disorder

Sleeping disorders

Geriatric mental disorder

Alzheimer’s disease and Mild Cognition Impairment  

Specialty Interests

Diagnosis and treatment of affective and cognition diseases, scale assessment, medication treatment and rTMS treatment


Member of China Alzheimer's Disease Care Association

 Young member of the 8th Committee of the Psychiatry Branch of the Chinese Medical Association

Vice Chairman of the Geriatric Mental Disorders Branch of Zhejiang Medical Association

Vice Chairman of the Youth Committee of the Mental Special Committee of the Zhejiang Association of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine