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Medical Professionals
Li Hua


Nephrology & Dialysis Center

Biographical Sketch

Li Hua, M.D., Director, Senior Attending of Nephrology & Dialysis Center. Dr. Li graduated from Zhejiang Medical University and received his M.D. in 1983. He specializes in Nephrology after completing his fellowship in Zhejiang Red Cross Hospital and a Certificated Training in Nephrology from Loma Linda University Medical Center in US. From 2008 to 2011, Dr. Li has been promoted both in Department of Nephrology, Health Science Center, University of Tennessee and in Kidney Institute of Medical Center, University of Kansas in US. He has accumulated plenty of clinical and research experience in the treatment of various Kidney diseases, especially nephritic syndrome, IgA nephropathy, renal hyperparathyroidism and renal osteodystrophy. He has been in charge of Nephrology Department and Dialysis Center at Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital since 2014. So far, He has been regarded as taking the leading position in the diagnosis and treatment of metabolic bone disease in CKD in Zhejiang Province. On the other hand, Dr. Li is also a master of Vascular Access surgery for hemodialysis patients, e.g. autogenous arteriovenous fistula, graft arteriovenous fistula and transposition fistula. He is now managing one of the most advanced Hemodialysis Vascular Access Centers in China. The Nephrology Department at Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital has been rated as No.15 among all Chinese hospitals.

Treatment Services

·             Glomerular diseases: nephritic syndrome / IgA nephropathy / etc.

·             Metabolic bone disease in CKD: renal hyperparathyroidism / renal osteodystrophy

·             Vascular access surgery: autogenous arteriovenous fistula / graft arteriovenous fistula / transposition fistula

·             Laparoscopic surgery for peritoneal dialysis catheter implantation / adjustment and fixation of pelvic peritoneal dialysis catheter 

Specialty Interests


·             Vice-chairman of Nephrology Branch of Rehabilitation Medicine Association of Zhejiang Province

·             Committee member of Nephrology Branch in Chinese Medical Association of Zhejiang Province

·             Committee member of Vascular Access TeamNephrology Branch of Chinese Hospital Management Association