Biographical Sketch
Wu Tao, M.D., Associate Chief Physician of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Dr. Wu specializes in musculoskeletal disease rehabilitation, ultrasound-guided injection treatment for musculoskeletal pain, and treatment of limb spasms after stroke. He has put his efforts into regeneration medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal degeneration diseases (Platelet-rich plasma, hypertonic dextrose prolotherapy and stem cell). He has completed a great number of cases in ultrasound-guided prolotherapy injection for musculoskeletal degeneration disease.
Treatment Services
Ultrasound-guided injection for musculoskeletal degeneration diseases (Platelet-rich plasma or hypertonic dextrose prolotherapy)
Ultrasound-guided injection for spasticity (Botulinum toxin injection, nerve block or alcohol neurolysis)
Specialty Interests
Musculoskeletal degeneration diseases, Osteoarthritis, Specific and nonspecific low back pain, Spinal cord injury and Stroke
Member of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Branch, Chinese Medical Association
Member of Cerebrovascular Disease Rehabilitation Professional Committee, Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine
Member of Brain Injury Professional Committee, Zhejiang Association of Rehabilitation Medicine
Leader of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Group, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Branch, Zhejiang Medical Association