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Medical Professionals
Ye Yang



Biographical Sketch

Ye Yang, M.D., Associate Chief Physician of the Cardiology Department. Dr. Ye specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases in cardiology, critical illness, brady arrhythmia and various heart failure and devices implantation. She is also skilled in arrhythmia associated HF therapy, devices therapy used in conduction system pacing implantation in particular. As one of the main operators of devices and pacemaker implantation in the Cardiology Department of Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, she has guided and helped many domestic centers to carry out conduction system pacing implantation and cardiac biopsy for challenging cardiomyopathy and cardiovascular diseases.

Treatment Services

Interventional treatment of heart failure and devices implantation

Specialty Interests

Pacing and electrophysiology, especially basic and clinical research of devices therapy of heart failure; Physiological pacing; His and Left bundle branch pacing; Conduction system pacing implantation and cardiac biopsy in challenging cardiomyopathy and cardiovascular diseases; cardiac magnetic resonance on heart failure and sudden death


Pacing and electrophysiology, especially basic and clinical research of devices therapy of heart failure; Physiological pacing; His and Left bundle branch pacing; Conduction system pacing implantation and cardiac biopsy in challenging cardiomyopathy and cardiovascular diseases; cardiac magnetic resonance on heart failure and sudden death