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Medical Professionals
Wang Zhou


Endocrinology & Metabolism

Biographical Sketch

Wang Zhou, M.S. Med, Deputy Director, Associated Chief Physician and Senior Attending of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Department. Dr. Wang graduated from Fudan University Shanghai Medical College in 1984, and achieved master’s degree at Zhejiang University School of Medicine in 1991. His expertise includes diabetes mellitus and diabetic chronic complications, thyroid disease, hypothalamus - pituitary disease. He is a member of Zhejiang society of Endocrinology and Zhejiang province Association of Chinese Integrative Medicine.

Treatment Services

·             Diabetes Center

·             General Endocrinology

·             Radioactive Iodine Treatment

Specialty Interests

Diabetes mellitus and diabetic chronic complications, thyroid disease, hypothalamus - pituitary disease, adrenal disease, gout, hyperuricemia, lipid metabolism disorders


·             Zhejiang society of Endocrinology

·             Zhejiang province Association of Chinese Integrative MedicineDiabetes Association