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Medical Professionals
Xu Haishan



Biographical Sketch

Xu Haishan, M.D., Deputy Chief Physician and Senior Attending, Department of Ultrasound, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital.

Dr. Xu Haishan specializes in Multimodal Ultrasound Technology in Superficial and Abdominal Organ Diseases, Interventional ultrasound in minimally invasive diagnosis and treatment, fetal prenatal ultrasound diagnosis etc. She was a visiting scholar at Linda University in Rome, USA.

Treatment Services

Ultrasonic diagnosis of abdominal organ diseases: Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Kidney, etc.

Ultrasonic diagnosis of superficial organ diseases: Thyroid, Breast, Carotid artery, etc.

Ultrasound-guided percutaneous biopsy for cytological or histological pathology

Ultrasound-guided interventional diagnosis and treatment (ultrasound-guided fine needle biopsy of thyroid/neck lymph node/breast and radiofrequency ablation of thyroid nodules)

Specialty Interests

Multimodal Ultrasound Technology in Superficial and Abdominal Organ

Diseases Interventional ultrasound in minimally invasive diagnosis and treatment

Fetal prenatal ultrasound diagnosis


Member of Zhejiang Special Committee of China Cancer Prevention and Treatment Alliance

Member of the Ultrasound Branch, Zhejiang Society for Mathematical Medicine

Member of Zhejiang Ultrasonic Medical Engineering Society