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Medical Professionals
Wang Xianchen



Biographical Sketch

Wang Xianchen, M.D., Deputy Chief Physician and Attending, Department of Ultrasound, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital.

Dr. Wang Xianchen specializes in the diagnosis by Multimodal Ultrasound Technology of abdominal and superficial organ diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and gynecological diseases.  Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography and preoperative and postoperative evaluation of gastrointestinal diseases are also his areas of expertise.

Treatment Services

Ultrasonic diagnosis of abdominal organ diseases: Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, and Kidney diseases

Ultrasonic diagnosis of superficial organ diseases: Thyroid, Breast, and cardiovascular diseases

Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography and preoperative and postoperative evaluation of gastrointestinal diseases 

Specialty Interests

Multimodal Ultrasound Technology for abdominal, superficial organs, and gynecological diseases

Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography and preoperative and postoperative evaluation of gastrointestinal diseases


Member of the Gastroenterology Group, Precision Ultrasound Intervention and Intelligent Diagnosis Committee, Zhejiang Society of Mathematical Medicine